Thursday, September 15, 2011

Daddy Diary 3 - Week One with K. (Dec 2008)

So it's been one full week since the little guy joined our family full- time. Hard to believe it's only been 7 days, and I gotta tell you, not going in to work, it's easy to lose track of what day is what, cause weekends look pretty much like any other day right now. Gone are the days where Greg could sleep in till 10 or later, we're into 5 am bottle time and we're lucK. if he falls back asleep until 7. So Greg and I are doing shifts so that we can balance out the sleep deficit.K. was used to sleeping in the same room as foster mom and he is a fitful sleeper. He wakes up often in the night (could be the transition, could be from earlier when he might not have been cared for), so we moved a futon into the room so we can sleep on the floor and be close if he needs a reassuring presence. (better than sleeping in the same bed which we both did at first - ever sleep with a toddler?? He's all quiet and cuddly and then all of a sudden this arm comes flailing up to knock you in the head or a leg comes kicking and you gotta dodge fast!) So even though we're safe on the futon this still just translates into us sleeping in 20 minute shifts as again, each little noise could be the precursor to a huge wake-up cry (and those often last 45 minutes or so). So far this seems to be working out, but we will eventually ease out and be back in our own room. We don't want to make too many changes all at once and will slowly get him used to sleeping alone. The first few nights were really hard at bedtime, he would rage for an hour, but after some advice from foster mom and after developing our own routine, he settles down fairly well.We sing songs in his room and hope that he falls asleep before we do.Nap time is our next new challenge. Today we did a super nanny move and sat in his room and let him tantrum on his bed until he tired himself out. Then we were there to reassure him and he slept soundly.I've also got a timer on so that after lunch when he hears the beeps he knows nap time is coming. See, watching reality TV does teach you something!

Aside from that, last week K. had his first haircut which went really well. The salon only does kids and was empty at 10 am on Wednesday morning (go figure) and every chair was a car, he was thrilled and so were we. So now he looks more like a little man than a chia pet. We even got a certificate and a baggie with his first lock of hair as a keepsake.

The other thing we are getting to deal with now is regular toddler tantrums. He's not crying for mama as much and is happy to have us be there to comfort him, so the attachment aspect is going well. Now it's just the behavioral parts to manage. Last few days he would go into full Exorcist mode with head shaking, demon screaming and rolling in convulsions on the floor. What might set him off is us telling him he took too much food into his mouth, that the dog is not a squeeze toy or that looking like a wrinkled prune does mean that bath time is over. But we have seen some improvement. He is no longer rolling on the floor, but stamping his feet and then coming back to us for a hug right after. So we're working hard on keeping consistent limits and hope that these tantrums now pay off when he's 16 (they do, right Susan?)

As for eating, this kid is non-stop. We're filling him with as many fruits as we can but man, this kid eats! And that means the inevitable other process goes on as well. So Greg and I are pros in diaper duty and I have now learned that what is true for corn is also true for black olives (that one was for you Dilshad!).

Our house continues to look like hurricane Katrina ripped down a toys r us and a restaurant and laundromat in one shot. Thank god both of us are at home to manage things and get a handle before it completely takes over. I'm just anticipating what it's going to be when Greg goes back to work!

But we both feel lucky. to have this little guy in our lives. Spending the holidays with him will be a great gift.

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